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Monday, March 31, 2014

New Edition of Best-Selling Medical School Admissions Guide Now Available

Greetings pre-meds!

MDadmit is very proud to announce the new edition of Dr. Suzanne M. Miller's best-selling The Medical School Admissions Guide: A Harvard MD's Week-by-Week Admissions Handbook now available at:

Barnes and Noble

What's new? It's the newly updated 3rd edition of Dr. Suzanne M. Miller's acclaimed The Medical School Admissions Guide, complete with MCAT2015 insights, recent medical school application changes, and additional examples from successful applicants. As with previous best-selling versions of The Medical School Admissions Guide, this 3rd edition contains the weekly, step-by-step plan Dr. Miller used to get into Harvard Medical School. She has since utilized the strategy to help hundreds of applicants gain entry into medical school first as a Harvard pre-med tutor and then as CEO of MDadmit, a medical admissions consulting service. Following this handbook's advice will provide you a distinct advantage in the competitive medical school admissions process as it prepares you for every step and helps create your best application. Book Highlights include: 1. Weekly, easy-to-follow advice on navigating the complex admissions process. 2. Multiple examples of successful personal statements, AMCAS and TMDSAS work/activities, secondary essays, and letter of intent/update letters. 3. Special sections on reapplicants, non-traditional applicants, DO schools, foreign schools, and military/public health service options.