
Do you have burning questions about the pre-med, medical school admission, and residency process? Post a comment, and I will happily answer any and all questions.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Medical School Secondary Applications: Research

  Some secondary questions focus specifically on research or scholarly activities:

  1. Although research is not a pre-requisite requirement for the University Program, if you have participated in a scholarly project please tell us about it. Describe your experience, including the question you pursued and how you approached it, your results and interpretation of the results, and most importantly, any thoughts about what this experience meant to you. Remember that research is broad-based and can include such projects as a senior capstone or a thesis and can include both medical and non medically-related investigations.

  1. What self-education, research, or independent scholastic work have you undertaken and what do you feel you have accomplished in this work?

Don’t panic if you have not published in Nature or performed amazing bench research.  “Research” is a broad term and can include investigations in public health, health policy, and international health. You can even include non-medically oriented research.

Exhausted?  Overwhelmed with secondaries? E-mail to put a Harvard/Stanford MD and medical school admissions insider to work for you!

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