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Monday, November 7, 2011

Book Review: The Medical School Admissions Guide: A Harvard MD's Week-by-Week Admissions Handbook

"Suzanne Miller's book on the med school admissions process is exceptional.
Dr. Miller masterfully articulates the important points of the med school applications 
process. She hones her expression into a concise and authoritative language that 
provides you with details that you will not read anywhere else.

Although the book is steeped in good advice, I particularly value the section on the 
secondary applications. Dr. Miller provides over 40 essay prompts categorized 
into 10 major themes that will allow you to complete much of your secondary applications 
before you even begin to apply. I cannot tell you how valuable this information is... secondary 
applications are very time consuming, but if you follow Dr. Miller's advice, they will be 
as easy as cutting and pasting your pre-written essays.

This is a book for the general applicant, as well as for the elite applicant. As a 
graduate of an Ivy League school, my home school dedicates enormous resources 
into pre-medical advising. However, Dr. Miller's book surpasses the advice that 
I received from my school's career services by leaps and bounds; so much so that 
I purchased a copy of her book and mailed it to my home school's career services.

This book will propel your application into a new level of excellence, not to mention 
save you enormous time in the process.

Buy this book!"


  1. just purchased it from amazon...can't wait for its arrival!

  2. anything i can do that will help me get into medical school...i'm in!

  3. Thanks so much for purchasing the book. Please let me know what you think! All feedback is helpful:)

    Good luck and get in!
