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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Medical School Admissions: More MCAT Tips


·      Don’t waste time studying things you already know. Mastered Van der Waal’s forces and Zeroth’s law? Why study them again? What’s the point of studying if you aren’t going to learn anything new.

·      Answers with extremes such as “always” and “never” are rarely correct.

·      If two answers are very similar, one is likely to be the right answer.

·      Eliminate (cross out) any questions that you know are wrong immediately. This will often leave you with two answers to decide from and a 50/50 shot at getting the question correct.

·      If you think of an answer before you see the list and that answer is present, it is likely to be correct

  • Practice, practice, practice. Do as many practice tests as possible and be sure to time yourself. Time management is a huge factor in doing well on the MCAT.

For step-by-step advice on how to get into medical school and more MCAT tips, check out The Medical School Admissions Guide: A Harvard MD’s Week-by-Week Admissions Handbook. If you’d like to communicate directly with Dr. Miller, medical school admissions expert, please email or call 415.939.5251.

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